
Monday 22 March 2021

The Forces of Darkness

The Forces of Darkness

Sensual pleasures are your first army, 

Discontent your second is called. 

Your third is hunger and thirst,

The fourth is called craving.

Sloth and torpor are your fifth,

The sixth is called fear,

Your seventh is doubt,

Conceit and ingratitude are your eighth,

Gain, renown, honor and whatever fame is falsely received (are the ninth),

And whoever both extols himself and disparages others (has fallen victim to the tenth).

That is your army, Namuci [Māra], the striking force of darkness.

One who is not a hero cannot conquer it, but having conquered it, one obtains happiness. [Sutta Nipāta]

To overcome the forces of darkness in our own minds, we have the wholesome power of satipaṭṭhāna vipassanā meditation, which gives us the sword of mindfulness, as well as strategies for attack and defense.

~ Venerable Sayādaw U Pandita

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