
Saturday 20 March 2021

Can you explain in detail the fourth jhāna?

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart. 

10 December 2023

Question:  Can you explain in detail the fourth jhāna?

Than Ajahn:  Well, fourth jhāna is when your mind enters into this state of calm. In term of your awareness of the body, there are two types: 

(1) your awareness of the body entirely disappears. There is no sensation of the body in your awareness. All you have is the knower, the mind, or the consciousness. It’s alone by itself. 

There is no thought. The mind is just resting but it’s fully aware of the resting of the thought. 

There is a sense of ease and peace, and it has no emotion—no love, no hate, no fear, no delusion. This is upekkhā of the mind. This type is called ‘full jhāna.’ 

(2) ‘Partial jhāna’ is where you can still experience some sensation of the body, you are aware of the sensation of the body. You can still feel the pain of the body, you can still hear sound, but your mind is not disturbed, not distracted, by what it feels or hears. The mind isn’t hurt by what it feels or hears. The body can be in pain, but the mind is not reacting to it. The mind merely knows. Those are the two types of the fourth jhāna. In fourth jhāna, there is no thinking; just observing; merely knowing.

“Dhamma in English, Mar 15, 2019.”

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Question:  Is fourth jhāna the same as appanā samādhi? 

Than Ajahn:  Yes. It has equanimity as the characteristic of the fourth jhāna, and it’s merely knowing. These are two characteristics of the fourth jhāna: the mind is completely equanimous and merely knows. 

“Dhamma in English, Jan 23, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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