
Sunday 28 March 2021

Our society is not very healthy.

The teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh.

Our society is not very healthy.

Therefore, many of us are sick, and we need healing and nourishment. We have intoxicated ourselves with poisons. Our mind has a lot of poisons, like craving, hate, anger, and despair. Our body also has a lot of poisons because we don’t know how to consume.

Mother Earth has the capacity to heal herself and has the capacity to help us heal if we know how to take refuge in her. 

When the Buddha was teaching his son, Rahula, he talked about the Earth as having the virtues of patience and equanimity. 

Patience and equanimity are the two great virtues of the planet Earth. If needed, Mother Earth can spend one million years or ten million years to heal herself. 

She is not in a hurry. She has the power to renew herself. 

We have to see that. If we study the history of the Earth, we know that she has had a lot of patience, and now she is a very beautiful star.

When we walk, we are aware that the Earth is holding our steps. But Mother Earth is not just below us, under our feet; Mother Earth is inside of us. 

To think that Mother Earth is only the environment outside of us, around us, is wrong. Mother Earth is inside of us. 

We don’t need to die to go back to Mother Earth. We are already in Mother Earth. That is why we have to learn how to take refuge in her. That is the best way to heal and to nourish ourselves.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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