
Thursday 4 March 2021

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

31 October 2023

QuestionIs keeping dhutaṅga practice a shortcut to nibbāna?

Than Ajahn:  It’s not a short cut but it’s an aid that can help you go faster. It’s like a special fuel for your car that can make your car performs better. Dhutaṅga practice is also the same. It will make your mind performs better on the path to nibbāna, but it’s not a shortcut. There is no shortcut to nibbāna.

“Dhamma in English, Jan 23, 2019.”

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MonkMy fellow monk is reaching his 60 years old. Is there a quick way to attain wisdom?

Than Ajahn:  It is different for each individual because the ability for each person to see things clearly is different, so there is no fixed time. The Buddha said in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta that if you follow his instructions in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, you will be able to gain wisdom and become enlightened either in 7 days, or 7 months or 7 years, so it is up to each individual. If you have a lot of past experiences, and have developed a lot of pāramī and wisdom in the past, then it will be quicker for you, but if you have not developed any pāramī or any wisdom at all, then it will be longer for you.

“Dhamma in English, Aug 9, 2015.”

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QuestionIs there any shortcut if we want to attain to nibbāna?

Than Ajahn:  Yes, the shortest way is to become a monk, the Buddha’s way. The Buddha had to become a monk first.

Then, he became enlightened within 6 years. For us, we can even be faster because we have a teacher. We have the Buddha as our teacher. He guaranteed that if you become a monk, you can become enlightened in 7 days. If it’s not in 7 days, you can be enlightened in 7 months. 

If it’s not 7 months, you can be enlightened in 7 years. He guaranteed that. So, this is the shortest way. You have to become a monk.

QuestionHow about for a woman?

Than Ajahn:  It is the same. A woman can become a maechee or a nun. There is no difference. 

Whether you are a man or a woman, what you have to practice is the same.

You have to keep sīla. You have to develop samādhi. You have to develop paññā. There are monasteries where they accept women to stay for long term practice. You just have to look around.

“Dhamma in English, Feb 11, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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