
Wednesday 3 March 2021

Meditation By Bhante Gunarathna


It all begins with the way we train our mind. 

Don't worry about enlightenment right now.

What we have to do is take first things first.

Just take one step at a time. 

Just begin.

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut. You must commit to the process and stick with it. As you begin, as your practice and experience deepen, you will start to see it taking shape in what the Buddha called the Seven Factors of Enlightenment. They are sati, mindfulness ; Dhamma vicaya, investigation ; viriya, energy; piti, joy or rapture; passadhi, relaxation or tranquility; samadhi, concentration; and upekkha, equanimity.

Each of these Factors of Enlightenment links up and connects with the following one. You begin with mindfulness, which leads to investigation, which leads to energy, which leads to joy, and that leads to tranquility, then concentration, then equanimity.

With an honest commitment, we can at least have a glimpse of all these things in our meditation practice. 

As our practice deepens, so will our understanding. The important thing is to just begin and then to stick with it.

From - WHAT, WHY, HOW by Bhante Gunaratna.

2020.11.12 - Bhavana morning session w/ Bhante G

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