
Wednesday 12 April 2023

The 9 Great Phaya Garudas

The 9 Great Phaya Garudas

Phaya Garuda or known as Phaya Krut in Thailand, is both a symbol of wealth as well as authority. 

The two living Geiji Ajaans best known for their Phaya Garuda amulets are Luang Phor Wara of Wat Pho Thong, whom some locals believe to be an reincarnation of a Garuda himself, as well as the venerable Luang Phor Phat of Wat Huai Duan. 

Luang Phor Wara is able to communicate with both the Phaya Garudas as well as the Phaya Nagas, having a strong affinity with them since he was young. During important ceremonies, Luang Phor Wara will summon and invite the Nine Great Garudas to give their blessings. 

Phaya Suban 

A Garuda with a golden body, but his feathers are very colorful, ranging up to 7 different shades of colors. 

Phaya Suban has extremely strong powers in terms of inviting wealth, calling gold and money, bringing treasures to the house and shop. 

Phaya Wetchaiyan

Has a beautiful body just like a sparkling diamond

Capable of driving away demons and helping to revive millions of Nagas

Is the Garuda who practises gratitude the most, will assist devotees who are grateful to their parents and benefactors, who make merit and do good

Phaya Wentai

Has a mesmerising emerald green body

Capable of flying all over the universe

Subdues evil Nagas causing trouble and teaching them to uphold their Sila 

Helps ensure that devotees are safe

Phaya Krut Satja Maharaj

With a brilliant ruby red body, radiant and formidable

Has a mission to protect Earth, for example from meteorite strikes

Has power over natural disasters like earthquakes, floods or fires

Pray to help avoid calamities

Phaya Paramesuan

Has a deep blue sapphire colored body

He is the Prince of the Air

One of the wealthiest devas in existence, his immense riches is said to rival most if not all of the devas in the 16 Heavenly and 15 Earthly Realms

4 of his family members have more power than 12 of the devas that guard the zodiac

Phaya Totyan Maharaj

Has a striking blue appearance, calming just like the ocean and seas

Guardian Garuda of the 10 directions, likes to keep the precepts

Has kindness on the poor and helps everyone who is good find treasures and become successful

Phaya Watsawat 

Has a terrifying dark purple appearance

Has universal and cosmic powers

Is a billionaire and has a lot of baramee

In charge of taking care of the Lord Buddha

Phaya Krut Tohkruta

A formidable Garuda inhabiting the legendary Himmapan Forest

He can subdue those who do evil

Including taking care of devas who behave immorally and wrongly 

Ong Vayupak

Has a pure white body with white feathers

Full of purity and mercy

Upholds the sky and and earth and prevents the world from falling apart

Can help travellers reach their destination safely

Photo of LP Wara cr. Thairath 


14 April 2023

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