
Friday 28 April 2023

Luang Phor Lek

Luang Phor Lek

Phra Ajaan Lek commented, “I myself was reprimanded by some monk friends. They criticised me for travelling around to Phuttapisek ceremonies to puksek sacred objects [amulets]. These monks said that this is not what the Buddha taught, and I should be teaching the Pure Dhamma to devotees instead.”

“I asked them, ‘Do more people visit the curry rice shop or the jewelry store?’ Certainly, more people visit the curry rice shop, because they must have their meals daily. Furthermore, not everyone has enough money to purchase expensive diamonds. Of course, it is better to invest in high quality gems if you possess significant wealth. But how many people can afford to do so?

In the same way, the Pure Dhamma can be considered the most valuable diamonds of immense value. But not everyone has the merit to be able to afford them. The wise ancient teachers of the past understood this, and thought of a way to engage the villagers without departing from the principles of Dana, Sila and Bhavana. 

By giving sacred objects to the common folk. For instance, if you recite LP Parn’s rich katha and wear his amulet, then you will have to give alms to the Sangha often. Furthermore, you would have to maintain the 5 precepts, and if you can’t keep all 5, then you must minimally not steal, not drink alcohol or use drugs. 

The Boran Ajaans had great loving kindness for the poor and common people. They knew that their parami and merit were still very low. They did not have the ability to collect diamonds. So the Ajaans tried to encourage them in a away to increase their merit – increase their wealth and ability to afford diamonds. 

They did not just stand around and criticise others, asking people to invest in diamonds instead rather than spending on curry rice. 

When some people have achieved certain attainments, they become proud and conceited. 

They believe that their way is the correct path, and all other practices are wrong. Sadly, that is taking on a very narrow perspective and worldview. We must take societal context and circumstances into consideration. If you are living among people who still go around to pray to supernatural banana trees, “sacred” coconut trees shaped a Naga, or go around rubbing “holy” wood for wishes, how are you going to teach them the Pure Dhamma?

Everyone knows that a PhD is the highest educational achievement. But if your disciple has not even finished the 4th Grade, and you tell him to enroll in a PhD course, do you think he is able to make it? We should not stubbornly cling to and carry around our achievements, philanthropic and charitable deeds, or [Dhamma] book knowledge that we have learnt. Because all these must be put down and let go of on our deathbed. We shouldn’t be teacups overflowing with our own knowledge and not being able to accept tea being poured.”

Luang Phor Lek 

Wat Tha Kha Nun, Kanchanaburi Province

Lineage of LP Parn & LP Lersi Lingdam

26 April 2023

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