
Friday 28 April 2023

Luang Phor Plien Panyapatipo Cr. "Every Action Receives Its Results"

Luang Phor Plien Panyapatipo
Cr. "Every Action Receives Its Results"

"What is the reason behind so many troubles and so many unhappy events in the world? It is because people have the wrong thought, wrong idea, and wrong belief that once people die, there is no rebirth."

Amongst many people with a modern mindset who have come to meet me and to have a discussion, some believe that we are born just once. 

There is nothing after death, no one will be born again, they say.

'The fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, or even great grandparents who have died, never came back to inform them of where they are or who they have become. 

Once these people die, they completely disappear forever.'

Apparently, this is an opinion of so many people nowadays. When a person believes that his or her opinion is right, they will stick to their belief no matter what. This type of people will continue doing evil through bodily, verbal and mental actions.

Anyone who does not believe in cause and effect of his own actions, good or evil, is not a true Buddhist, even though his whole family practises Buddhism. Such ignorance means he does not understand the core of Buddhism. 

Therefore, we do not count these people as Buddhists if they do not believe that those who do good will receive good and those who do evil will receive evil.

Hence, all of you, men or women, do not underestimate things that has not yet come, do not think that actions you have done, good or evil, will not bear results. What goes round comes around.

17 April 2023

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