
Monday 17 April 2023

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Luang Ta wishes all luksits Chok Dee and the four-fold blessing of Ayu Wanno Sukang Balang - Long Life, Beauty, Happiness and Strength on this auspicious occasion of the Songkran festival. 

However, Luang Ta reminds everyone that the best blessings are not those from him, but the blessings that arise from ourselves when we perform wholesome actions. 

All auspicious things, all kinds of great blessings, come from ourselves. If we follow the following steps, our life will only be filled with goodness. 

1: Suat Mon and capturing the energy and image of Luang Pu Doo

Praying and meditating are great merit, they are methods to establish the mind in the flow of merit, enhancing our powers of concentration and result in the development of wisdom. 

One can chant any sutta, verse or katha but Luang Ta prefers the Maha Jakkapat because he believes that it is a very auspicious and powerful katha which brings both worldly and religious benefit. 

Depending on how one meditates, it can be either Samatha or Vipassana. Prayer is gathering power and energy, depending on how much you want to put in. Just like exercising, the benefits will only be known by oneself. 

Focus on suat mon to enhance one’s mental strength is very important. 

Luang Ta focuses on this to make himself mentally strong, when the mind has energy and power, it can benefit everyone. 

The mind becomes strong and light, comfortable and in a good mood. The mind will have compassion and metta to depart from all unwholesome deeds. 

If one prays correctly, he should only have mercy and neither hurt nor get jealous of others. He will only do good deeds because he understands the consequences of his actions.

2: Spread kindness, pae metta and cross-over spirits

When the mind has the power to connect with the baramee of Luang Pu, one can use the power for the benefit of everyone. This is especially so for the spiritual world. Luang Ta teaches that there are many spirits wandering around in this world. They are very pitiful.

Luang Ta focuses on using the currents of merit to spread kindness to cross-over these spirits who are stuck here, and adjusting the spiritual landscape for the better. 

This is considered a step that benefits other beings. We maintain a mental state of kindness and compassion for all beings. 

3: Recording Merit

The mind records what is done. 

Whatever we do forms a continuous force of energy that stays with us, both in our Nama and Rupa. 

Therefore we should think about and focus on recording good things, recording merit, recording the Dhamma. 

Recording merit comes from suat mon, pawana, pae metta, it gives us strength from Dhamma practice and finally we will be able to cut off the endless cycle of rebirth. 

Recording merit and all good things we do is like saving money in the bank. We can reap the benefits of the good deeds we have done which will help us now and in the future. 

If we do this often, it will be like a virtuous cycle that will change our behaviour for the better, through our actions, speech and mind. 

We will practice meditation until insight arises. This is both useful in cutting off endless worldly existences or if you wish to continue being reborn to benefit all beings. 

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Wat Tham Muang Na, Chiang Mai

Cr. to the owner of this photo

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