
Thursday 6 April 2023

Dhamma of Phra Ajahn Golf

Dhamma of Phra Ajahn Golf

Ajahn Gof saw in his nimitta nong bua lamphu is flooded. And the place really flooded after a few days.

He also saw more disasters and wars happening, said only those who have merits and keep precepts will survive.

The demons from hell are coming after ppl in earth when they die. In the past only 1-2 demons come after a death person but now hundreds of demons come after a death person.

He reminds devotees to keep precepts and make merits.

My rough translation from fb post. The post said only share with those belive in karma, to avoid ppl attack the post and make bad karma.



“……希望你富而不傲 ; 即使貧窮,但有尊嚴 ; 在高位時,要對低位仁慈; 處於低位時,要勤奮耐心 ; 在獲得財富時,無論多少 , 不要忘記分來種福以換取德行。 不要因為自私而傷害別人 , 莫大意因為過於沉迷世間之樂,而忘掉道德。 不要一味尋找外在的財富而忘記了尋找內在的財富。

懂得知時知地,知因,知果,知道選擇人。知適量地消費與支出。 在每一個地方,每一個時刻 ,都不要自大,永遠保持著謙虛。 

和別人一起要炫耀愚蠢,不要炫耀聰明 ; 跟自己相處要聰明,不要愚蠢。


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#Dhamma of Phra Ajahn Golf


If you are rich, we hope that you are not arrogant. Even if you are poor, you should have dignity.

Having high status should be compassionated to ones who are in lower status.  Being in lower status should be diligent and patient. 

When we obtain wealth, it does not matter how much; do not forget to share.

Do not exploit others because of your selfishness.

Do not be heedless and enjoy living in material world until forget moral world. 

Do not seek only wealth. Seek inner peace as well.

Be aware of the right time, cause and effect. Be reasonable. 

Know who to be friended with.

Know how to spend money wisely.

Do not be conceited, instead be humble at all times. 

When with others shield your intelligence but be smart when being alone. 

Be mindful of our bodily acts, speech and mind.

Well-trained one is called the one who found noble refuge.

Phra Ajahn Surawut Khemachitto (Golf)

Wat Pa Anuttaro, Mueang Mai ,

Si Bun Rueang, Nong Bua Lampoo


8 April 2023

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