
Sunday 2 April 2023

Khun Mae Boon Ruen

Khun Mae Boon Ruen 

Khun Mae Boon Ruen was born on Sunday, the 4th Lunar Month of the 15th Waxing Moon of 2437 , (which is somewhere in March), in the morning at around 11.20 am, to Mr. Yim Klinphaka and Mrs Suan Klinphaka. She was born to a working class family of farmers. 

During her childhood and teenage years, she had some education and studied the Thai language as well as picked up the art of cooking various dishes such as curries, stews and making chili paste. She also learned how to sew and make clothes as well as hairdressing. 

Most importantly, Khun Mae also trained in the art of traditional Thai massage because her grandfather Ajaan Klin was a very famous massage therapist at that time. 

Later on, Khun Mae applied her massage skills together with prayer in order to heal many people. One famous case was a patient who suffered from appendicitis, which was very dangerous in those days before modern surgery was available to the masses. However, Khun Mae was able to heal the sick via massage and prayer. 

During her adolescence, she was introduced to Phra Ajaan Pring and started to learn more about Buddhism, including the Dhamma as well as living a virtuous life and about making merit. When she reached adulthood, she got married to Lt. Col. Joy Tongboonterm, a police officer at Samphanthawong Metropolitan Police Station. 

Khun Mae began practising Vipassana Kammathan at Wat Samphanthawong, with Than Chao Khun Maha Ratchamangkhalan (LP Thet) the Chao Awat or abbot of Wat Samphanthawong as her teacher. One night, her family were all asleep when Khun Mae observed the elderly snoring and the young muttering or talking in their sleep and gnashing their teeth. 

Khun Mae suddenly felt very tired and weary of endless rebirth and having to be born again and again, and she felt she wanted to take a break from all this, so she went to the Phra room to sit in meditation until 2am. 

She felt very uncomfortable with a tightness in her chest as though she was suffocating and dying, but she decided to push on and thought that if she were going to die, just let her die. It was then when she saw a clear brightness and attained the Dhamma as well as all 5 Apinya (higher knowledges and psychic powers)

In the year 2499, the famous Phra Mongkol Series as well as this amulet, Phra Pang Marawichai (Phim Takrai), Wat Samphanthawong was adithanjit and consecrated by Khun Mae Boon Ruen that year. 

On December the 6th 2500, either Phra Sivali or Phra Indra appeared to her in her meditation and gave her the following katha to be recited thus: 

Namo Tassa….(3X)

Nachaliti Chimpali Ja Maha Thero, Suwanamama, Pohchanamama, Watuwatamama, Palapalangmama, Pohkamama, Mahalapomama, Sapaychana, Pahoochana, Phawantume

You can recite this katha for wealth and fortune or with her amulets. 

From the year 2501, Khun Mae stopped treating diseases with massage for men except using mental power and prayer alone which were sufficient for her to cure illnesses. 

However, she did not bother to treat her own body and was reluctant to despite pleadings from her own disciples. She told them that “This mind and body, the 5 aggregates, are not ours. They are only a temporary residence, a house of suffering which I would like to leave.” Khun Mae eventually passed away on the 7th of September at 2507. 

In general, Khun Mae was revered for her kindness in helping people from all walks of life treat all kinds of illnesses and diseases and also for her psychic powers as well as her ability to bring fortune which were appreciated by those still struggling to make a living. Even today, many people go to Wat Awut or Wat Samphanthawong seeking her assistance from all matters regarding wealth, livelihood or health problems.

Most importantly, she was seen as a prime example of how a householder and layperson just like us ordinary Buddhist devotees can also attain the highest levels of Dhamma.

3 April 2023

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