
Thursday 22 December 2022

What should be done with food, etc., offered to the Buddha in Temples?

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

13 Jan 2023

What should be done with food, etc., offered to the Buddha in Temples?

Answer: With regard to this question, it is thus said in the commentary to Dakkhina Vibhanga Sutta: "What should be done to whatever is offered to the Buddha?"

'If a dutiful monk attends upon the Buddha, such offerings should be given to that monk. Since whatever that belongs to the father devolves upon the son, it is proper that it be given to the monks.'

(Tattha yam satthudinnam tam kim katabbamti? Yo sattharam patijaggati vattasampanna bhikkhu, tassa databbam, Pitusamtakamhi puttassa papunati, bhikkhu sanghassa datumpi vattati).

The situation is the same with regard to food, etc., offered in temples. If there is no such monk, then even a layman who attends to the duties in the temple could take such food. It is imperative that food offered at shrines should be taken away for the purpose of cleaning. It is not an unwholesome act for others to take away such food if it is not taken by those who attend to the duties. However, it is prasieworthy if one were to attend the duties without taking anything thus offered. Ananda Thera attended upon the Buddha for twenty-five years, but he never took for himself anything that was offered to the Buddha. In fact, when he accepted the post of attendant to the Buddha, he did so on condition that he should not be given the tasty food, etc., offered to the Buddha.

Although monks as 'sons of the Buddha' inherit the objects offered to the Buddha, it is always more desirable for the monks, as the Dhammadayada Sutta says: "to inherit the Dhamma of the Buddha rather than objects like food offered to Him."

(Dhammadayada ve bhikkhave bhavatha ma amisadayada).

From Rev. Weragoda Sarada (B.A.) Thero - Marananusmrti ....

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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