
Friday 2 December 2022

Boy Who Remembered Pāli Suttas for 1500 Years

Boy Who Remembered Pāli Suttas for 1500 Years

This is a true story about a boy (Dhammaruwan) who recited complex and lengthy Pāli suttas at five years of age, that sounded very different from current chantings. 

Furthermore, he remembers accounts of his previous life 1500 years ago, when he accompanied famous Buddhaghosa on his trip to Sri Lanka.

Dhammaruwan was born on November 18, 1968, in Matale, Sri Lanka. At the age of about two years, he would sit in meditation and then start chanting. At times he would speak in a language not understood by his mother, who tried to hush him up. His step-father encouraged the boy to continue and regularly made recordings of the chants.

These accounts come from the book, “Rebirth in Early Buddhism and Current Research”by Bhikkhu Anālayō (2018), and Skype interview with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, 16th September 2014.

Both Bhikkhus have had long-term interactions with Dhammaruwan.

According to Dhammaruwan’s memories, he learned the Pāli chants in a former lifetime in India, where he had been born as the son of a Brāhmin and trained in memorization of the Vedas. He had gone forth as a Buddhist monk and become a student of the eminent monk Buddhaghosa at Nālandā, India. 

For a historical timeline, see, “Buddhaghōsa and Visuddhimagga – Historical Background.”

12th December, 2022

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