
Thursday 1 December 2022

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Walking, sitting, eating and even lying down

Keep on pawana, don’t ever stop.

Practice while you are breathing in and out

Maintain a stable and good mood

Don’t let negative currents attach

If we only think of good things

Our citta will only grow in goodness

Don’t obsess about negative things

Because our minds will grow in that direction

Also don’t keep regretting over bad deeds done

It will just cause us to become depressed

If we keep thinking about the bad things

Our bad kamma will ripen even faster

To the extent of dying earlier than normal

Nowadays we practice to be ready for death

If a person does not practice

When he or she dies

They will wander not knowing where to go

Meditation is not about sitting 

For a short or long time

It is about making your mind light and at ease

Don’t ever get bogged down by sorrow

There is no one without suffering

Being born is to suffer (dukkha)

It is just about suffering more or suffering less

People who practice Dhamma watch their minds

Keeping their mind at ease and good tempered

Wherever they go, they have supporters

Whatever they want to do, people will help

There is nothing they cannot do

Nothing is beyond their ability to accomplish

Recording merit is about the mood

If you are in a good mood

You can save up merit at all times

If you are always in a bad mood

There is no way you can save any merit

Don’t get caught up in your sorrows

You have to be the “one who knows”

Someone awakened, someone joyful 

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Wat Tham Muang Na, Chiang Mai

8th December, 2022

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