
Thursday 1 December 2022

Panchyapthip Practices towards peace

 .. Dharma good morning this morning..


.. Next, we come to consider how the conspiracy theorists are. Well, thinking about that thing, for example, we want that idea to be in one, one, one, the only emotion, which is a satisfactory emotion, but the idea that we wish to remain is gone. A new story. It doesn't depend on the fulfillment of our wishes. 

We told him not to think about new things. He didn't listen to our words. He was stubborn and thought about new things until he could. The challenge is this thought. I didn't say it, I didn't listen. What I said I didn't use, didn't listen my words. It's just like a person. That's why it is said that all the conspiracy is selfish, not our self. Therefore, all the conspiracy is in the trilak. It is inequality, suffering, selfishness, not us. We are not that, that is not our identity. 

Let us consider it according to wisdom. I like this to be true.

.. Now let us see the soul that is in the trilogy. The soul is not fair. The soul is suffering. The soul is inefficient. How can we consider the soul that is not fair? The character of the inefficient spirit is the meaning of knowledge in the picture. The meaning of knowing in the voice. The meaning of knowledge in earth. 

Smell, the meaning of knowledge in taste, the meaning of knowing what is right. The meaning of knowing in the emotion that is felt inside the heart whether it is happy or sad. 

Light or cool. Then hold on to the emotion or what is known. When the meaning is known, it is up to the meaning of knowing. One thing is gone. Other things happen instead. Then change to know other things. Happening, disappearing, lost, forgetting. 

It doesn't mean that you know at noon for sure in the same thing that I knew before.

.. Or another thing, if our body is old, the soul of the eyes rarely see the picture clearly as if it is still young. The soul of the ears can't hear the sound clearly as if it was still young. The nose spirit is good. The soul is good. The tongue is good. The body is good. If the body is born with paralysis, the nerve in the body. 

Worms or the newly dead human body. The soul is missing from the body. It is impossible to be perceived in those things. It is a sign of showing that the soul is not fair. Because this is why so. Let's consider it with wisdom to know according to this reality..

.. # โออวาท ธรรมรมหลวง ป่เลี่ยน Panchyapthip Practices towards peace #93..

(Translated from Thai)

7th December, 2022

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