
Friday 2 December 2022

Ajaan Phitthinat

Ajaan Phitthinat

I’d like to share a personal experience with all brothers and sisters. I used to work for a Mahayana temple. One of the ceremonies they would conduct is a food bestowal ritual to feed the hungry ghosts (瑜伽焰口). They would often offer food to the petas, hungry ghosts and surrounding spirits. 

Now, coming from a Theravadin Buddhist background, I didn’t understand the need for such a ritual. 

(At that time, I didn’t really understand the Way of the Bodhisattas very well). So my instinctive reaction is that it was a waste of food. But the seniors at the temple told me that it might seem unbelievable, but the ceremonies were really efficacious. 

Because the temple was built near a site where many people died in the past. And it is unlike now where people generally die peacefully due to advanced palliative care. They told me that when the temple first opened, there were unexplained supernatural incidents involving devotees falling down and get injured. 

But after the monks conducted rituals to liberate the petas from their hungry and suffering, which included food offerings, no more of such incidents ever occurred. Which is why this ceremony was performed regularly since then. 

Ajaan Phitthinat, the Phra Ganesha Oracle, is also able to use his psychic powers to see whether a departed person has moved on to a better destination or is still lingering around because he or she lacks the necessary merit and whose descendants has not made merit for him or her. 

In the Biography of Tahn Ajaan Mun, it is stated that “According to the specific nature of their kamma, some ghosts can receive merit dedicated by anyone, while others can receive only the merit that is personally dedicated to them by their relatives…Having no recourse to merit of their own, ghosts depend on and always feel indebted to others for their survival. Should these others fail them, the ghosts are left completely destitute.” 

(LT Maha Bua, 2003, Page 242)

We have a strong kammic link with our relatives and we are able to make merit and dedicate it to them. And in return, they will assist us in times of need. If I didn’t remember wrongly, Chao Khun Keng also mentioned that when he was in trouble and under attack, it was his late relatives who stepped in to save him. Luang Ta Ma often reminds his disciples that if we help spirits in need, when we are facing crises in the future, they will in return assist us due to their gratitude. 

Therefore after some consideration, I have decided to do away with the photos (except those who have already registered and sent me). I would like to encourage all brothers and sisters to consider joining in the Chak Bangsukun Ceremony which will be conducted by Luang Phor Samruay. 

This will be very good for your departed loved ones if they haven’t been reborn yet. You won’t even have to tamboon either. Luang Phor has kindly given me a handful of Rae Lek Lai to support me, which I will release to raise funds for the Chak Bangsukun ceremony, and for other purposes. 

There are many myths and legends about Lek Lai. In general, it is believed that only monks with certain experience can cut or obtain Lek Lai or its ore from a cave. Otherwise, they will be stopped by the devas residing there. There are various beliefs and stories which you can google and read about. Luang Phor passed me around 10 pieces today.

I will let go each piece of Lek Lai for 2000 baht or S$80. (Registered air mail will cost another 200 baht or so). 

Luang Phor did tell me which province he found the Lek Lai ore in, but I can’t remember whether it was Kanchanaburi or Chanthaburi or elsewhere. Luang Phor will then refine and shape the Lek Lai in Tham Sai cave, before finally bathing them in honey and blessing them before he hands them to me. Luang Phor has kindly shown me the process of how he does it but he didn’t allow me to release the video. 

So don’t hesitate to join in this meritorious ceremony because there is completely no charge and is for the benefit of all spirits and departed loved ones. Do PM me the names of your departed loved ones or WhatsApp me at +65 81578295.

10th December, 2022

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