
Saturday 25 September 2021

šŸ“œTen levels of knowledge in Vipassana

 Most Venerable Teacher Sayagyi U Ba Khin and His Teaching

šŸ“œTen levels of knowledge in Vipassana

1. Sammasana: theoretical appreciation of anicca, dukkha and anatta by close observation and analysis.

2. Udayabbaya: knowledge of the arising and dissolution of rupa and nama by direct observation.

3. Bhanga: knowledge of the rapidly changing nature of rupa and nama as a swift current or stream of energy; particular, clear awareness of the phase of dissolution.

4. Bhaya: knowledge that this very existence is dreadful.

5. Adinava: knowledge that this very existence is full of evils.

6. Nibbida: knowledge that this very existence is disgusting.

7. Muncitakamyata: knowledge of the urgent need and wish to escape from this very existence.

8. Patisankha: knowledge that the time has come to work for full realization of deliverance with anicca as the base.

9. Sankharupekkha: knowledge that the stage is now set to get detatched from all conditioned phenomena (sankhara) and to break away from egocentricity.

10. Anuloma: knowledge that would accelerate the attempt to reach the goal.

These are the levels of attainment which one goes through during the course of Vipassana meditation. In the case of those who reach the goal in a short time, they can be known only in retrospect. Along with ones progress in the understanding anicca, one may reach these levels of attainment - subject, however, to adjustments or help at certain levels by a competent teacher. One should avoid looking forward to such attainments in anticipation, as this will distract from the continuity of awareness of anicca which alone can and will give the desired reward.

Excerpted from ‘The Essentials of Buddha-Dhamma in Meditative Practice’.

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