
Tuesday 21 September 2021

♡ The Meaning of Life: Achieving Peace of Mind ♡

♡ The Meaning of Life: Achieving Peace of Mind ♡ 

Achieving peace of mind is a lovely way of describing the meaning of life. 

It is something that everyone aspires to. 

However, peace of mind is often like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow – it tends to be elusive for most people. 

I would like you to reflect on the times when you were the happiest. You probably find that your happiest times were when you experienced a deep sense of contentment or peace of mind. But when you reflect on these experiences, you realize they didn’t occur because everything around you was perfect. 

On the contrary, you realize that peace of mind occurred in spite of your surroundings not being perfect, in spite of the difficulties, problems, and imperfections of life. 

That’s my first important point: don’t think peace of mind only comes once you’ve fixed up all your problems and finished all your business. All your worrying, all your striving and struggling, has it ever got you where you really wanted to be? You can’t control the world and change it the way you would like it. 

Therefore, you can only find peace of mind and achieve the meaning of life by embracing the imperfections of life. 

How do you do that? By knowing that imperfection is the nature of the world. So make peace with imperfection. Another thing you can’t change is the past. And yet, lingering on the past, people worry about and feel guilty and angry about it. But since you can’t change it, the only wise thing to do is to make peace with it. How do you do that when there is so much unfinished business? You make it finished. 

                   ~ Ajahn Brahm 


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