
Saturday 4 September 2021

“Everything you do during your waking hours is recorded by your mind.”

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

17th October, 2022

“Everything you do during your waking hours is recorded by your mind.”

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Question (M):  My mother passed away two years ago but I can hear her voice during my meditation. Is our mind a recorder? 

Than Ajahn: Yes, everything you do during your waking hours is recorded by your mind, good or bad thing is recorded in your mind. Sometimes your mind will replay those events in your dreams at night. If you do good deeds, it will be recorded as good memories or good experiences. If you do bad deeds, it will be recorded as bad experiences. When you sleep, these good and bad experiences will be replayed in the forms of good dreams and bad dreams. 

When you die, when there is no physical body, the good dreams and bad dreams will be the ones that your mind experience during the time while you are waiting for a new body. If you have good dreams, we call it, ‘heaven.’ If you have bad dreams, we call it, ‘hell.’ 

So, ‘heaven and hell’ is not a place but a state of mind when there is no physical body. It’s a dreamlike state where you experience good dreams and bad dreams. You have the dreams until they expire. When they expire, you will go pick up a new body. And hence, rebirth commence.

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Dec 9, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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