
Thursday 2 September 2021

Sharing by Bhante U Cittara

A sharing on trimming of Bodhi Tree  ........


Bhante, I’m very confused. Some say that one should not cut or trim a Bodhi tree for whatever reason and some say that one can do this in a positive way. Please advise.

An MV Devotee


Four Citiyas are found in the Buddhist literature. They are :

1)    the relic of the Buddha, pagoda or stupa where the Buddha’s relic is enshrined (dhatu-cetiya),

2)   the teachings of the Buddha including books, CD, VCD of the Dhamma (dhamma-cetiya),

3)   the Buddha image, Buddha statue and painting of Buddha (Uddissa-cetiya), and

4)   requisites of the Buddha like robe, bowl, Bodhi tree etc. (paribhoga-cetiya).

Should a Bodhi tree, paribhoga-cetiya, be cut or trimmed? The answer totally depends on one’s attitude.

Stories of Physician Jivaka and Devadatta are perfect examples to illustrate this.

Physician Jivaka shed the blood of the Buddha when he was operating on the Buddha to heal his illness and Devadatta also shed the blood of the Buddha when he wanted to take the Buddha’s life. Shedding the Buddha’s blood is the same as cutting or trimming the Bodhi Tree and the only difference is the volition which motivated the two actions. So what Jivaka had done was considered a great meritorious deed while what Devadatta had done was a great evil deed.

The Buddha also said, “Oh monks, volition is kamma, I declare (cetanaham, bhikkave, kammam vadami).” 

Come to think of it, if one can shed the Buddha’s blood with a positive attitude, why cannot he or she cut or trim a Bodhi tree?

However, one should perform some religious services like paying respect and asking for forgiveness before he cuts or trims a Bodhi tree because it is a cetiya which deserves respect.

With Metta,

Bhante U Cittara

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