
Wednesday 15 September 2021

Luang Pu Dune Atulo

I personally like Luang Pu Dune Atulo because he is a monk who practised well and straightly, always intent towards Nibbana. He studied for several years, before coming to the realisation that texts only offer book knowledge and does not lead towards the release of Nibbana. About that time, Luang Pu Mun happened to appear and stay at a temple nearby, and so LP Dune went to listen to his talk and got all inspired. This is the story of how LP Dune became one of LP Mun's most senior disciples, and he went tudong under the guidance of LP Mun for 16 years.  

Sometime around 1977, Luang Pu was invited to a celebration at Wat Dhammamongkon on Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok. During the celebration, he was invited to "sit in protection" as part of a consecration ceremony for Buddha images and amulets. After the ceremony was over, he went outside to rest in a small hut where he spoke with a large number of his monk-students who were studying in Bangkok at the time. 

One of the monks commented that he had never seen Luang Pu participate in a ceremony like this before, and wondered if this was his first time. He then went on to ask how one goes about sitting "in protection."

Luang Pu replied,

"I have no idea what the other ajaans do when they're sitting 'in protection' or sitting 'in blessing.' As for me, I simply sit in concentration in my same old style."

Cr. Phra Bodhinandamuni & Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu, Dhammayut Amulet Blog

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