
Wednesday 8 February 2023

The Ten Paramies

The Ten Paramies

The  Sangha  is  the  community  of persons practicing  the  Way of  Awakening together.  If  you  want to practice  the  way  of  liberation  , it  is  important  to  take  refuge  in  Sangha  , whether  you  are  an  ordained  monk  or  a  lay  person.  Beside practicing  meditation  ardently  ,one  has to  go through  certain  disciplinary  rules  in campus  which  are  essential &  specially  designed  in  the  making  of  spiritual  perfection - Paramis  drop by  drop . 

Fulfillment  of  Ten exalted  spiritual  perfections -Paramis  is a prerequisite  to the  arising  of  a  Buddha.  

The  Buddha  had acquired  enormous  spiritual  perfections in  His  past  lives  through Kusala  kamma to  become  Sammasambuddha , Supremely  Enlightenment One.  

What  are  Ten  paramis  ? Dana , Sila  ,Nikkhama  ,Panna  , Viriya  , khanti , succa  , Aatithana  , Metta  ,and  upekkha  are  the  Ten  Paramis.  

      1, Dana  parami :- one  gets  opportunity  to  offer  donation  for  next  batch  of  new comers  who would  be  practicing  dhamma . Immediate reward  of Dana  is  that  it removes  craving  & brings  contentment  , frees  from  mental  poverty.        

      2, Sila Parami :- everyone  has  to observe  Noble  silence  in  the  campus ,  no  talk   , no gesture,  no mobile  connectivity , no money  , no TV or radio  ; one can  talk  to  teacher  at low voice  on subject of  meditation  for  one or two  minutes  when   his  own  turn comes.  No chance  for  exaggerating  or  concealation of things or telling lies.  So there  is  no chance  of  violation  of  Sila.  Your  Sila  is  100% in tact .       

      3 , Nikkhama  Paramis  :- abandoning   household  life  , living  on charity  with  no  money & mobile  in  hand  , accepting  whatever  alms  you  get from  givers , no demand  for  food  of your  choice that  are going  to  dissolve  your  ego  .  Cleaning  your  own  bowl and  robes , cleaning  own  bed room  and  bath room  further  melting  up your  ego.  You  begin  to  experience  a  perfect  detachment.       

       4 ,Panna  Paramis  :- as you  experience arising  and  cessation  phenomenon  within  body  and  you  begin  to  abide  by  equanimity  with  understanding  of  impermanent,  contemplating  fading  away  of  those  sensations  thereby  transcending  those  sensations  into  wisdom  and in the  process  you  have  began  to  accumulate wisdom  - kusala kamma.         

        5, Viriya  Parami :- one  puts  up the best  effort from  Day 1 when he steps  out from  the  household  life &  gets  formally  ordained  under  competent  monk and  ardently  practices  the Way with  mindfulness  & awareness.  Thus  the faculty  of  Viriya  - effort is activated  .        

         6, khanti  Parami :- the  spirit of tolerance is  one  of  the  most  important  feature for  progress  on  the  Way.  House household  life  & campus  life  of  Sangha  are vast differences.  Some  friends  may  knowingly  or unknowingly  cause  hindering  to  your  Way  or you  may  feel  body  pain or experiencing  some  stress  but you  can't  have  either  reaction  or  aversion  . No  any trace of  anger . Only  love  and  compassion  should  prevail. It enhances  the  faculty  of  your  tolerance.          

        7 , succa  Parami:- as you  enter  into  field  of  mind  and  matters  , matters  and  mind   through  awareness  of  aspirations  and  sensations  you  begin  to  experience  direct   knowledge  about  the  true  nature  of  impermanent -  Anicca  of  arising  and  passing  away.  

There by  you  overcome  Avijja  - ignorance.        

       8, Aatithana  Parami :- with  a  strong  determination  Only  one  can  accept  the  Holy  order  and  abide  by  all codes  of  conduct  of the  Sangha  for  progression  on the  Way.  

During  meditation  too determination  is taken  not to open up sitting  position  - hands  ,legs & both  eyes closed   continuous  one hour ,  three times  a day.   It  increases  the  strength  of  determination  to  achieve  goal.        

         9, Metta  Parami :- sharing  of merits - at end of  session  a special  meditation  is  performed  to share  merit  to  all  beings which  is  very  important  for  peaceful  coexistence of all beings  in this  universe.         

       10 ,upekkha  Parami : - equanimity  & awareness  are the  keys to  open  up  the  door  of liberation.  One  gets  opportunity  to  develop  the  faculty  of  equanimity  by practicing  not to  have  reaction  or  aversion  towards  sensations.  Because  you  have  learned  that  the  more  you  react  towards  pleasant  sensations  the  more  you  would  multiply  your  sangkhara  - defilement of craving  and  greed ; the  more you  have  aversion  towards  unpleasant  sensations  the more  you  would  multiply  your  sangkhara  - defilement   of  anger  , hatred  and  jealousy  . 🎉🙏🙏🙏


     May  all  beings  well  and  happy 🎉 🙏

20 February 2023

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