
Sunday 19 February 2023

A great sharing by Sayadaw Ashin Asabhacara . Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! The Ten Defilements(impurities) of Vipassana Insight knowledge (vipassanupakkilesa)

A great sharing by Sayadaw Ashin Asabhacara . Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
The Ten Defilements(impurities) of Vipassana Insight knowledge    (vipassanupakkilesa)



1. Illumination (Obhasa). When the yogi sees bright lights he might think he has reached the enlightenment, path, fruition, Nibbana, and so becomes satisfied with this state, causing craving to arise. 

This is wrong view and false consciousness. It is his thought that thinks he has reached the enlightenment, path, fruition, Nibbana. He must be rejected this illumination and develop his meditation practice.

2. Rapture (piti). Because the yogi has too much samadhi, he feels rapture, and this is kilesa- mental defilement. When practicing vipassana one  may have experienced rapture. when arising it you have to be contemplated as " rapture, rapture " mindfully. And then you will   realise the nature of three characteristics of anicca, dhukkha and anatta.

3. Tranquility (passaddhi). Sometimes a very peaceful state will arise, this is also from too much samadhi. 

In this situation, you must be able to balance your mind.  Observe the sense that appears with great caution and mindfulness. To overcome this mental state the development of five controlling faculties is required.(faith, knowledge, effort, concentration and mindfulness.)

4. Bliss ( sukkha). A feeling of bliss is also related too much samadhi. When sukkha happiness occurs, in the same way you should be noted.

5. Fervour - Intense faith (adhimokkha). This causes the yogi to falsely believe he has seen enlightenment - Nibbana, and he will often not even believe his teacher, when told the contrary. This is caused by having too much faith (saddha), too little panna normally panna and saddha should be balanced.

6. Exertion (paggaha). Too much perseverance or effort can make the yogi tired, his citta (mind) is not clear, and wandering a lot.  sets in the five controlling faculties. perseverance(effort) and concentration should be balanced. 

7. Knowledge (Nnana). Some yogis who know dhamma theory well, will think about it all the time, and this analyzing of knowledge will pull then out of the present moment that your observation. He can't improve his meditation practice. The solution is to be contemplated that analyzing of knowledge (thought).

8. Upaṭṭhāna -  "presence or arousing "  "assurance".

Arousing of the mind can lead to excess samadhi and the yogi will see Nimittas(sign that appear before the eyes and imagination). Then he will lose rupa and nama as objects--- i.e., he will be out of the present moment, and won't be able to continue his meditation practice. After rejection of assurance you will see how it improve your meditation practice.

9. Equanimity (uppekkha). Sometimes strong equanimity will arise without insight knowledge , and the yogi will falsely believe that he has free from mental defilements, no kilesa and it has been eradicated by Nibbana; but he still has the kilesa of wrong view(moha), and pleasure (lobha) and dislike(dohsa) have only gone temporarily, In this stage he cannot continue to practice.

10. Delight -subtle attachment (nikanti). The yogi becomes happy with all of the vipassana-upakkilesa, and is satisfied to remain as he is. And he cannot continue practice.

He will remains for a long time at  that stage. To be rejected the subtle attachment as well.

There is a risk that the meditator will mistakenly believe that these pleasant experiences indicate the supra mundane path and fruition and that these are the real Enlightenment and Nibbana experiences. The meditator is likely to get attached to them through craving (tanha), false view (ditthi) and conceit (mana). 

If that happens the meditator is taking what is not the path as the path and will not continue with insight meditation to attain the real Enlightenment, path, fruition and Nibbana.

Instead, the meditator just rejecting them, should continue with insight vipassana meditation. When the meditator does that, purification by knowledge and vision of what is path and not-path is understood.

(Reference to Dhammudhacca- pahana meditation)

Sayadaw Asabhacara

13 March 2023  

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