
Thursday 2 February 2023

Luang Phor Lek Suthamapanyo

Luang Phor Lek Suthamapanyo

Devotee: Now my duang is falling [i.e. entering a bad period of low luck or fortune] and there was a danger of an accident. To mitigate this, I went to tamboon and did coffin donation. So instead of getting into an accident with a large car, it became a motorcycle. 

But I was still so sick until I couldn’t stand. 

And then later there was another accident at my workplace again. So I’m not sure whether making merit can reduce the chances of bloodshed or not. 

LP Lek: It decreased a lot already. If you hadn’t made merit, maybe it would have been a larger vehicle instead. If you were really unlucky, you would have ended up sleeping in the coffin that you donated out. 

But fortunately there was great merit being performed. Especially since coffin donation is for the deceased. 

Now we already know that we are doing good deeds for the departed. But we must also use wisdom to consider things for a moment. All of us are going to die one day. As well as our loved ones surrounding us now. 

It is said that every being who is born cannot escape from death. How many lifetimes were we born? Do we still want to be born again and again?

Maranasati the contemplation of death is a very important kammataan. When we practice an important kammataan, we also obtain great merit. 

Even if the power of our bad kamma is very strong, but our merit made can be superior. 

Making it possible to transform heavy kamma into light, from light to almost none. From a ten-wheeler truck to a motorbike. 

Devotee: How do we prevent misfortunes from happening?

LP Lek: It is best not to be born at all. As long as you take birth, you will meet with misfortunes for sure. We must constantly make merit. If we continuously make merit, it is difficult for bad kamma to ripen. But most of us do not continually make merit.

The greatest merit arises from pawana. If we can cultivate until our minds are firm, then our bad kamma is not able to affect us much. But most of us just pawana, and then later on start gossiping or scolding other people. As a result, the goodness is not continuous and bad kamma can ripen. 

Practising generosity, keeping the precepts and pawana must be done continuously all the time. For instance at Wat Ko Phra Lersi, sometimes we get overwhelming donations and food is abundant. Other times, we have to survive on instant noodles for 7 days in a row. 

This is a result of [us] having made merit irregularly [in past lives]. We cannot blame anyone else. 

Luang Phor Lek Suthamapanyo

13 February 2023

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