
Thursday 2 February 2023

"If your mind is concentrated and stable with willpower, the recitation of the katha will achieve its desired effect."

"If your mind is concentrated and stable with willpower, the recitation of the katha will achieve its desired effect."

Pawana Phra Katha Ngern Lan* (Pray the Rich Katha) often everyday. It will make your life comfortable and progress more and more. For example look at Wat Tha Kha Nun, we have around 31 monks living here. The alms are more than sufficient for us. 

You don’t even need to mention the monks, just look at the temple boys. 

Even the dogs here get to pick and choose what they want to eat. If they don’t find the food tasty, they will not even bother to eat it. 

Look at the dogs in Nepal. There they are so thin, because it is difficult for them to find food to eat. 

Regarding the pawana of Phra Katha Ngern Lan, it involves Manomayā. It is a matter of the mind and heart. If our mind and heart are balanced, calm and stable, then the power and benefit of the katha will yield results as required. 

But how much or how little depends on two factors. The first is our level of samadhi and concentration. 

The second factor is the level of our parami. 

If we have perfected much parami in our past lives, and the level of our concentration is high, then there will be a large outflow pouring out. 

But if you don’t have much parami or concentration, you should still pawana often without giving up. 

It is like accumulating water drop by drop, if you accumulate enough you’ll get one tin can’s worth of water…and then later one [dragon] water jar, and then enough to fill an ocean. 

Luang Phor Lek Suthammapanyo

Wat Tha Kha Nun, Kanchanaburi 

You can google about the Rich Katha by LP Parn and Enhanced Rich Katha by LP Lersi Lingdam. LP Lek is a disciple of LP Lersi Lingdam and of the LP Parn lineage.

Photo cr. "Watthakhanun" FB Page🙏

11 February 2023

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