
Sunday 19 February 2023

The Noble Eight Fold Path

The  Noble Eightfold Path.

Sending a Precious dhamma greeting to all my dearest dhamma family and friends with lots of love and Metta. 

"One way to avoid causing harm to oneself and others is through the Right Speech, the third component of the  Noble Eightfold Path. The Buddha taught to abstain from false speech, slanderous speech, harsh speech, and idle speech-gossiping. Among them, Gossiping can be defined as casual or unconstrained conversation about others, the details of which are not confirmed as true. In Fact, Gossiping is a low, frivolous and too often a dirty business in which we make enemies for our life. most of the time, people get into troubles or suffer from problems, worries and difficulties because of bad speeches like gossip. That is why Buddha advised that if we want a happy peaceful life, we have to refrain from bad , wrong, negative speeches.  Hence, try to speak only good. When we Discipline our speech, Happiness will follow us and beautiful people will join with us..."

"A lot of problems in the world will be disappeared if we talk to each other instead of talking about each other...."

" In the first Dhamma sermon, The Buddha well proclaimed the path to end of suffering.

1. Right View. The right way to think about life is to see the world through the eyes of the Buddha--with wisdom and compassion.

2. Right Thought. We are what we think. Clear and kind thoughts build good, strong characters.

3. Right Speech. By speaking kind and helpful words, we are respected and trusted by everyone.

4. Right Conduct. No matter what we say, others know us from the way we behave. 

Before we criticize others, we should first see what we do ourselves.

5. Right Livelihood. This means choosing a job that does not hurt others. The Buddha said, "Do not earn your living by harming others. 

Do not seek happiness by making others unhappy."

6. Right Effort. A worthwhile life means doing our best at all times and having good will toward others. This also means not wasting effort on things that harm ourselves and others.

7. Right Mindfulness. This means being aware of our thoughts, words, and deeds.

8. Right Concentration. Focus on one thought or object at a time. By doing this, we can be quiet and attain true peace of mind.

Following the Noble Eightfold Path can be compared to cultivating a garden, but in Buddhism one cultivates one's wisdom. The mind is the ground and thoughts are seeds. 

Deeds are ways one cares for the garden. Our faults are weeds. Pulling them out is like weeding a garden. The harvest is real and lasting happiness...."


"May the triple Gem Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha bless all of you to have good health peace and happiness by being free from the virus, harm, danger, worries, difficulties, sicknesses, problems, stress, depression and all kinds of bad situations. May you all be protected by the blessings of the Noble Triple Gem....!

May all sentient beings be free from dangers and  suffering and its causes....

May all sentient beings not be separated from sorrowless bliss....

May all sentient beings abide in equanimity free of bias, attachment and anger, and share Loving-kindness and compassion with others....."

May the Noble Triple Gems Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha Bless you, all other family members, dhamma friends and every being to have good health, peace, ease, comfort, success and happiness by being free from all sicknesses, problems, worries, difficulties and sufferings....! I'm sharing lot of merits and mettā to all of you. May every heart be filled with joy, compassion, happiness and success. 

May the happiness be set up at every corners of the world.....!

Sadhu sadhu sadhu

Share by Dhammadhasi Bhante

10 March 2023 

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