
Saturday 18 February 2023

The admonition of Luangpoh Brarajabrahmayan (Ruesilingdum)

The admonition of Luangpoh Brarajabrahmayan (Ruesilingdum)

"Appanasamadhi" means Jhana samapatti. The word "Jhana" in the form of Jhana has 4 levels, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

The 1st jhana (absorption) will have a happy mind. The mind is very delighted, the mind will be balanced, ears can hear clearly but it’s not annoyed by this sound, this is called that "Pathamajhana (The first absorption)”.

The 1st Jhana has 5 elements such as: Vitakka (thought), Vicara (discursive thinking), Piti (joy), Sukha (happy), Ekaggata (mental one-pointedness).

      Vitakka (thought) means thinking that we will bhavana (mental development). Thinking that we will know to breathe inhale-exhale.

      Vicara (discursive thinking) means knowing that bhavana (mental development) is correct or not, breathing in out is correct or not.

       Piti (joyful) is to be delighted in the mind.

       Sukha (happy) is to be happy.

       Ekaggata (mental one-pointedness) means the mind is emotional balanced as one.

The 2nd jhana will feel that the breath lighter. Breathe is normal but feel lighter. The mind and the senses begin to separate from the first jhana but separated a little bit. When the second jhana separated a little further.

When entering the 2nd jhana (absorption), it will cut off 2 emotions are vitakka (thoughts) and vicara (discursive thinking) but still know breath, will cut off bhavana (mental development) left.

There will have only the rest of three are: piti (joy), sukha (happy), ekaggata (mental one-pointedness).

The 3rd jhana everyone will have the feeling that breathe is less and very soft. The ears can hear the sound of outsiders, not clear. Still know it but the noise becomes a soft sound. 

And to have similar symptoms of being stressed. Who tied up tight, very tight. There is symptoms of being stressed. What kind of body shape it will hold like that without movement. 

The mind will be very happy. This is the symptoms of the 3rd jhana (the 3rd absorption).

The 4th Jhana will cut off happiness. 

There will have the rest of the "Ekaggata" and "Ubekkha" are left. 

The word "Ekaggata" means that the emotion is one. The mind will be balanced only and added equanimity, meaning indifference will have the feeling. I woni't feel my breath going in and out. The mind and the nervous system intersect absolutely, the mind separated from nerve refusing to feel physically, the ears will not hear.

No matter how loud the sound is.

This is the symptoms of the 4th jhana (the 4th absorption).

The admonition of Luangpoh Brarajabrahmayan (Ruesilingdum), Thai Buddhist Arahanta of Wat Tasung.

~ Sunirinth Jiratraipop

9 March 2023

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