
Wednesday 8 February 2023

Luang Pu Hong

Luang Pu Hong

Despite being a great Bodhisatta and having many disciples, Luang Pu Hong was nevertheless a very humble monk. 

Luang Pu always taught his disciples that “Whoever was born earlier is more senior and should be considered an elder. Whoever is more skilled before we even study should be respected as an Ajaan.”

When Luang Pu Hong was invited to the Phuttapisek ceremony to consecrate amulets, he met Luang Pu Moon. As soon as Luang Pu saw him, he crawled on his knees to pay respects to him and bowed down to him. 

In return, Luang Pu Moon put his hand on Luang Pu's head as if to offer him his blessings. 

This scene impressed his disciples that Luang Pu Hong was indeed very humble without any ego. As he always taught, whoever is older, whoever learned first, is to be respected as a teacher. 

But Luang Pu wanted to show his disciples by example the importance of respecting elders, regardless of whether oneself was already highly skilled or famous. 

This deeply impressed Luang Pu Hong’s luksits who were present there.

23 February 2023

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