
Saturday 18 February 2023

The Teaching of Mahasi Sayadaw

The Teaching of Mahasi Sayadaw

You should note each and every thought, whether wholesome or unwholesome. You should note each and every physical movement, whether large or small. You should note each and every feeling that arises in the body or mind, whether pleasant or unpleasant. You should note each and every mental object, whether wholesome or unwholesome. If there is nothing else in particular to note, then note the primary object, the rise and fall of the abdomen when sitting, or the lifting, moving, and dropping of the foot when walking. 

Note these objects uninterruptedly and continuously.

In this way, you should continuously and uninterruptedly note all day and all night, except during the hours of sleep. Before long the meditator will be able to observe all mental and physical phenomena the moment they arise and disappear. Thus you will gradually come to experience insight knowledge of arising and passing away as well as higher stages of insight knowledge.

- Mahasi Sayadaw

7 March 2023

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