
Wednesday 28 April 2021

The Teaching of Phra Ajaan Paisal Visalo

The Teaching of Phra Ajaan Paisal Visalo

The fisherman goes to heaven? The Dhamma practitioner goes to hell?

It was an important observance day, where a merit-making event was being held in the temple grounds. A man sat himself in half-lotus position listening to the sermon being preached by the venerable Phra Ajaan. While listening, his eyes glanced to the people fishing by the pond near the temple. The man thought in his mind, 

"Wow you are daring, coming so near to the temple to catch fish here! This is a sacred place, you must not be afraid of the bad kamma awaiting you, breaking the precepts like this, tsk tsk tsk..."

Instead of focusing on the Dhamma talk being expounded by the Luang Phor and setting his mind in concentration to receive merit, this devotee's mind has wandered away to the fisherman. 

At the same time, the fisherman looked upwards and saw the devotees sitting at the sala hall listening to the Venerable Ajaan giving his Dhamma talk. He set his mind to listening to the Dhamma talk and asking for a blessing. 

He thought, "Because I am a poor householder, I have no opportunity like them to attend a Dhamma talk. I need to catch some fish to sell to raise money to support my two elderly and often ill parents. I hope that in my next life, I will be born in a better position to make merit like those wonderful devotees sitting there, listening and practising the Dhamma. 

Anumodana Sadhu to them for their great deeds!"

Even as the fisherman was fishing, his mind was listening to the Dhamma talk, and rejoicing in the merit of the Phra and their luksits who often practise the Dhamma and sit in meditation. He was also constantly asking for forgiveness for his wrong livelihood which he does not have much choice over. 

Now do you understand why it is possible for a Dhamma practitioner to go to hell and a fisherman to go to heaven?

The basis of good or bad kamma is one's intention. If you are nourishing good and loving intentions, with wisdom, that is making good kamma. If your thoughts are always harsh and critical of others, even though you spend your time sitting and listening to the Dhamma often, that is making bad kamma. 

Some devotees who like to listen to the Dhamma often judge other people, they never look at themselves, but instead they often scoff at how other people act badly or break the precepts. 

Yet, the fisherman only had good thoughts towards the Dhamma practitioners and rejoiced in their good merits. 

Phra Ajaan Paisal Visalo taught that practising the Dhamma should be about improving your own mind and making it peaceful. It is not about being more superior or more holy than others. You have Dhamma knowledge and look good on the outside, but in the end you are still looking down on others. 

There are many people who love to make merit, love to study Dhamma, and yet they still lack kindness in their hearts. 

They go on long journeys to the holiest temples to make merit, yet they ignore the poor people living around their residences. 

They love to chase after great Kruba Ajaans, but they neglect the beings who are of lower status than them such as the underprivileged people and needy animals. 

Translated from Thai Dhamma Teaching

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