
Friday 2 April 2021



Excerpt from a Dhamma talk by Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

A man’s mind influences his body profoundly. The mind has just as much potential to be a medication as it has to be a poison. When the mind is vicious, it can kill a being, but when it is steady and diligent, it can benefit others. When the mind is concentrated on right thoughts, and supported by right effort and understanding, the effect it produces is immense. A mind with pure and wholesome thoughts leads to healthy relaxed living.

The Buddha says: “No enemy can harm one so much as one’s own thoughts of craving, hate, jealousy and so on”. One who does not know how to adjust one’s mind according to circumstances is as if dead. Turn your mind inwards, and try to find within yourself. It is only when the mind is controlled and properly directed that it becomes useful to its owner and society. 

A calm attitude at all times shows a man of culture. It is not too hard for one to be calm when things are favourable, but to be composed when things are wrong is hard indeed. It is this difficult quality that is worth achieving, for by exercising such calm and control, a man builds strength of character.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! 

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