
Saturday 24 April 2021

The Teaching of Luangta Maha Boowa

The Teaching of Luangta Maha Boowa

In establishing mindfulness of breathing, should we fix our attention at the nose or in the stomach region?

In establishing mindfulness of breathing, you should fix your mindfulness on and contemplate the point of contact of the breath. You should not go up and down with it, but keep the mind fixed on the point of contact. If the breath seems to become fainter and fainter, it is nothing to be afraid of or to worry about; the breath has not ceased—it is still there. The kind of meditation which a person practices depends on the character of each individual practitioner, but the development of the mindfulness of breathing is a practice suitable for the majority of people. 

The important factor in any method of mind-development is mindfulness. Forgetting mindfulness means failing in your task, and you will not get good results. You should therefore take care of your mindfulness and keep it present when using any method of mind-development.

~ Luangta Maha Boowa

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