
Wednesday 21 April 2021

The Teaching of Ajahn Maha Boowa

The Teaching of Ajahn Maha Boowa

Every true religion teaches people to be good. I do not dare to put Jesus and the Buddha in the ring to have a boxing match to see who is champion, because the religions do not have anything to argue and fight about. But we people who are variously Christians and Buddhists like to quarrel and fight with words, because of being stubborn we do not practise the way of either religion. 

The teachings of the Founders of each religion give us a right path to follow, so we ought to contemplate the virtues of the Founders. It is as if we are walking along a path to a particular destination. 

At first we go along a path that we know until we reach a point where we do not know the way, so we ask someone who knows and they tell us the way to go further. As soon as we again reach a point of uncertainty, we ask again. We continue like this until we reach the goal at the end of the path. The one who points out the way is a benefactor to us, and we ought to reflect upon his gift to us. 

The Buddha saw clearly into Dhamma, because he understood clearly the method by which he had trained himself. 

Therefore, it was never in vain that Buddhists turned to him. 

He was always ready to help the world to get free from various dangers with methods which were full of mettã. To summarise: in both religions, the Founders compassionately taught people to be good in the same way. They are different in their degrees of subtlety following the abilities of the Founders of each religion.

~ Ajahn Maha Boowa

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