
Tuesday 6 April 2021

During meditation, when I could feel some physical feelings, I’d say, ‘I know I have feeling now and this feeling will pass,’ is this practicing vipassanā?

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

31st July, 2022

Question:  During meditation, when I could feel some physical feelings, I’d say, ‘I know I have feeling now and this feeling will pass,’ is this practicing vipassanā?

Than Ajahn:  Yes, but it’s a superficial vipassanā, not comprehensive vipassanā. Comprehensive vipassanā can only be achieved after you’ve developed samādhi. 

Because when you have samādhi, you’ll have the strength to get rid of the cause of your suffering, your bad feeling.  The cause of your bad feeling arises from your craving or your desire, and you can only get rid of it with the mind that has strong samādhi.  So, when you’re practicing samādhi, when bad feeling arises and you get distracted from your meditation by dealing with that bad feeling, this is just a way of getting rid of the distraction—this is not real vipassanā, this is superficial vipassanā because that bad feeling will come back again. 

So first, you have to develop samādhi.  When you’re developing samādhi, you should concentrate on your meditation object only. 

 Don’t be distracted by other things that might come up.  Try to ignore everything and concentrate on your meditation object only until the mind can enter into peace and happiness.  Once you get there, then you can use this peace and happiness to be the basis of your vipassanā practice because you need a happy mind to be able to see the truth of all things that they are anicca, dukkha, anattā.  

When you see them as anicca, dukkha, anattā, then you will get rid of your cravings for them.  

When you have no craving for them, you will have no suffering.  This is a more comprehensive vipassanā: you get rid of the desire entirely using the mind that has samādhi and the mind that has wisdom.  You need 2 things, samādhi and wisdom, to be able to root out all your cravings.

“Dhamma in English, Mar 15, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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