
Wednesday 28 April 2021

The Sharing of Ajahn Suchart.

The Sharing of Ajahn Suchart.

6 June 2024

Question:  As we lose the memory of our past lives, what do we need to do to ensure that what we have practiced can be useful in our future rebirth?

Than Ajahn:  See, what you’ve learned using your memory are not important because you’ll lose them, like learning languages. But what you’ve learned through your actions won’t be lost, they will go with your mind. Things that you do constantly will become a habit and they will go with the mind. If you like to meditate, in your next life, you will continue to like meditation. If you like to drink, in your next life, you will like to drink. Whatever you do will form a habit that will go with your mind. 

Whatever you learn through memory, you can lose them. So, don’t worry about learning through memory, but try to develop good actions because these good actions will become part of your mind, like doing what the Buddha taught us to do: charity, morality and meditation. If you keep doing these 3 things, they will go with you to your next life. You’ll find it much easier to do them again in your next life than people who haven’t done those before. That’s why people have different capabilities to follow the teachings of the Buddha. It’s because in their previous lives, some might had practiced more than other persons. So, it depends on what you do because what you do will go with you, good and bad. If you do bad things, they will also go with you. If you like to drink, if you like to gamble, if you like to cheat, if you like to take drugs, these habits will go with you into your next life. So, try to develop good actions because good actions bring benefits to the mind; refrain from doing bad actions because bad actions bring harm to the mind.

“Dhamma in English, Mar 25, 2019.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English.

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