
Saturday 3 April 2021

"The levels of the mind based on merit and demerit"

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

"The levels of the mind based on merit and demerit"

“...When a person dies, breath (wind) exits but does not enter anymore. Wind is discharged and gives out a bad smell. Water oozes out and heat (fire) fades away.

The body is then cool and no longer warm like a body that is still alive. If it is left for a long time, the body will wither, dry up, decay, and ultimately disintegrate into the earth.

This is the body that dwells in the world of elements.

But the mind that dwells in the supramundane world is not affected by whatever happens to the body.

When the body has stopped working, communication and concern between mind and body is cut off.

The mind that still has craving will seek out a new body.

These are matters concerning the mind and the body.

As for the mind itself, there are many different levels based on the merit and demerit it has done before:

A mind with merit (good, skilful qualities and actions) ranges in value from 0 to +100.

A mind with demerit (bad, harmful, evil, unskilful qualities and actions) ranges from 0 to -100…”

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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