
Friday 16 June 2023

Phra Kruba Boonchum

Phra Kruba Boonchum

Many brothers and sisters here may have seen videos or photos of Kruba Boonchum exhibiting some unusual behaviour since he exited his 3 year cave retreat. There has been much speculation on this. Some devotees claim that Phra Kruba is demonstrating a “Dhamma Riddle”. 

Others, report that he has taken ill and has been rushed to Thailand through the Mae Sai Border Checkpoint and then via plane to Bangkok for medical treatment. 

Luang Phor Lek offered his opinion that Phra Kruba Boonchum is most likely suffering from recurring symptoms of cerebral malaria, which as its name states, affects the brain. If a person does not have enough rest, like Kruba Boonchum having to meet tens of thousands of devotees after emerging from the cave, the malaria virus can wreak havoc on the brain and body. 

If malaria or illness causes a monk or bhikkhu to exhibit strange behaviour and lack of sati, then in accordance with the Vinaya, this is considered anapatti (acquittal or freedom from penalty) due to mental disorders. 

Moreover, the symptoms that Phra Kruba Boonchum has expressed are not so severe as to violate the precepts, just some very unusual behaviour that people do not expect of a revered monk. Luang Phor Lek also mentioned that malaria virus affecting one’s brain is very serious, and he once suffered from it.

Luang Phor went to see a doctor at the department of tropical diseases, but the nurses were busy watching some drama after the news. They saw that Luang Phor was walking normally, so they continued watching the drama until they remembered there was a sick monk 15 minutes later.

When they took the thermometer to measure his temperature, it registered 42 degrees Celsius! And they were wondering how Luang Phor Lek could be walking around. Luang Phor joked that if they had continued watching the drama or movie until the end of the show, maybe that would be the end of him as well. 

Anyway jokes aside, I just want to reiterate that Phra Kruba Boonchum is a Maha Bodhisatta with a confirmation prophecy from a Sammasambuddha. Kruba Boonchum is important enough for Luang Pu Doo to project his mind and appear to him, teaching him via visions before both of them actually met in person. 

Therefore, one should not take Phra Kruba Boonchum lightly even if he is exhibiting strange symptoms now. And may we also pray that Luang Pu intervene to assist his luksit in getting better soon regardless of what the cause may be. 

Photo cr.

26 June 2023

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