
Friday 16 June 2023

Dharma from Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro Watsantiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand🌈

Dharma from Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro Watsantiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand🌈

Let’s hurry up. Don't be careless. Don't think we're [too] young [to die]. Children dies everyday. No matter how we’re going to die, let it die. But die in honor as we are Buddhists.

For people who die with smile and no regret will go to Sugati (a good bourn).

But those who die with buldge eye or scream like cow or buffalo will go to Duggati (woeful existences) or Vinipāta (birth of demons). So, hurry make merit for them and continually make merit for them because they definitely starve for merit.

Don't think that you’re too old to make merit. Making merit is not an intensive work like carrying 50 or 100 Kg. Making merit uses only the mind to sacrifice laziness and weakness. Even you’re old, make merit with the old man power. Because, that is the only strength you have.

When you’re dead, importantly, the Citta (mind) is not dead along.

If you have the Kilesa (defilements) attached to the heart whether Lobha (Greed), Kodha (Anger), or Diffuseness then you go to Apāya (sorrowful ways), Duggati (woeful existences), Vinipata (birth of demons), Naraka (hell)

If you have 5 Sīla (5 precepts)or 10 Kusalakammapatha ( the tenfold wholesome course of action), then you can return to the human world.

If you have 4 Brahmavihāra (the four divine states of mind), the Hiri (Moral shame) & Ottappa (Moral fear), Mettā (loving-kindness), Bhāvanā (meditation), and continually dharma practice, then you will be able to go to Devaloka (heaven) or Brahmaloka (the Brahma world).

Then, it will quickly be able to change the world like passing the promotion exam from human to deva.

At least, with our wisdom, won’t you be able to be Sotāpanna (one who’s attained the first stage of holiness - the Stream-Enterer)? will you? Think about it.

Sotāpanna is not know much in dharma. Just knowing the cause and knowing the effect. Knowing that all the dharma only come from cause.

Being Sotāpanna will be enlightening through that everything is coming from the cause. Good comes from the cause. Bad comes from the cause.

Good and Bad are born in the same place.

Don't let Kilesa dominate that same place. If it could rule that place, goodness can't be in now.

It's in the same place! Good and evil are in the same place. Do not let Kilesa conquer and collect you taxes from the income that you make everyday.

What is the tax? Taxation from liquor and cigarette. Useless things that we collect and put in body.

Body don't need it. But when the mind is not smart, it took these thing as Sarana (refuge). It won’t take Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha as Sarana (refuge).

Taking cigarette as Sarana (refuge).

Taking liquor as Sarana (refuge).

Then, you will struggle throughout your whole life.

At the very least, even it’s not cause difficult to anyone but it causes difficult to the owner. It causes disease to the owner. It will cause suffering before death. If you get hurts, can't tolerate, and lose Sati (mindfulness) then go to hell. At that time, it is important ... "

Dharma from Luang Pu Boonsong Thitasaro

Watsantiwanaram Temple, Chanthaburi, Thailand

Thai version from

Piriya Jord Chukeawngam

Translated by

Nattawut Prohdeengam

30 June 2023

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