
Tuesday 27 June 2023

Buddhist attitude

Buddhist attitude 

Buddhist are not forbidden to give due respect to other religious teachers , nor are they restricted from visiting other places of worship and even attending religious services. They can show their full respect for other belief systems while maintaining their basic Buddhist principles. 

From the Buddhist point of view, religious labels are not the most important aspects for people to be considered spiritual, but any person leading a respectable and harmless way of life can be regarded as spiritual person.

In examining the Buddhist attitude to other religions one has to note that, unlike in many other religions, there is no claim in Buddhism that Truth is a monopoly of Buddhism. The truth, according to Buddhism, is not a revelation. It is a discovery or a realisation. A discovery humanly possible that needs no external sanctification or justification.  

As a matter of fact the Buddhists are constantly reminded of the fact that Dhamma or Truth is something that each and every individual has to realise himself (paccattam veditabbo). 

Thus it should be clear from the beginning itself that the Buddhist can entertain an open attitude to other religions. 

Just as there are billions of people on this planet, there are also many thousand  of different dispositions and inclinations. From the Buddhist point of view, a wide choice of religions is needed to suit the varied psychological needs of different people. Buddhism recognizes that all religions share a common aim of working for the well-being of human being. With this common basis, Buddhists and Catholic and other religion can learn from one another in the spirit of mutual cooperation and respect.


29 July 2023

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