
Tuesday 27 June 2023

Khuddaka Nikāya Itivuttaka-Mānapariññā Sutta Understanding Avijjānīvaraṇa Sutta Ignorance

Khuddaka Nikāya
Itivuttaka-Mānapariññā Sutta Understanding 
Avijjānīvaraṇa Sutta Ignorance

This was said by the Buddha:

“One who has not directly known and fully understood conceit, who has not detached the mind from it and abandoned it, is incapable of destroying suffering. But one who has directly known and fully understood conceit, and who has detached the mind from it and abandoned it, is capable of destroying suffering.”

Humankind is possessed by conceit,

Bound by conceit and delighted with being;

Not fully understanding conceit,

They come again to renewal of being.

But those who have abandoned conceit,

And who by destroying conceit are freed,

Have conquered the bondage of conceit

And overcome all suffering.

I do not perceive any single hindrance other than the hindrance of ignorance by which humankind is so obstructed and for so long a time runs on and wanders in saṃsāra. It is indeed through the hindrance of ignorance that humankind is obstructed and for a long time runs on and wanders in saṃsāra.”

No other single thing exists

Like the hindrance of delusion,

Which so obstructs humankind

And makes it wander on forever.

Those who have abandoned delusion,

Cleaving through this mass of darkness,

No longer roam and wander on;

In them the cause is found no more.”

Translated from Pali to English by Ven Sujato

20 July 2023

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