
Friday 16 June 2023

In Memory of Phra Ajaan Jiak Cundo 18th Death Anniversary 6 June 1916 - 23 August 2004

In Memory of Phra Ajaan Jiak Cundo
18th Death Anniversary
6 June 1916 - 23 August 2004 


Wat Yanasangwararam is rather unusual in that despite having a rather dry and unpleasant living environment, it is very peaceful when it is time for sitting meditation. When it is tranquil, one doesn’t want to stop sitting. So when the monks sat for a long time to accelerate their meditation, Luang Pu would repeatedly admonish: “The group of you, sitting absorbed like this will not be enough to feed on; it’s not enough to feed on; it’s not enough to feed on.” 

When the monks sat enjoying the comfort and ease, he would also always reprimand them in the same way that sitting like this is not enough to feed on.

At that time, a monk who had developed a lot of tranquillity in sitting meditation marveled at the miraculous experiences experienced in his heart. He could foresee exactly who is coming and going in advance, to the point that he would even show off to Phra Ajaan Jiak because his heart felt extremely peaceful and so was bold and unafraid of the latter. He walked softly to him to respectfully inform him: “Than Ajaan, tomorrow there will be a vehicle coming to the monastery. It is big like a train with a pipe added on top of its roof. Let’s wait for tomorrow to prove and see if it is true like how the vision appeared to me in meditation.” 

As soon as dawn arrived the next day, a very big GMC with an exhaust pipe on its rooftop drove into the monastery. The monks also came together to look at this big vehicle. 

That monk then respectfully informed Phra Ajaan Jiak, “This is it, this is it! 

This is the thing in the vision that I described for you to hear yesterday. 

How is it that Than Ajaan say sitting in samadhi with the heart in tranquillity is not enough to feed on (i.e. attain) Appana Samadhi (fixed concentration)? I could foretell whoever will be dying; whoever is going and coming I would also know. 

This is so wonderful; how could it not be enough to feed on?”

Phra Ajaan Jiak then spoke fiercely in a loud voice, raised but not quite yet shouting: “Hey! To practise like this, it’s still not enough to feed on, it’s still not enough. (To know) the type of vehicle, there’s no need to sit in meditation; it’s a waste of time. Also, one can see more clearly (with open eyes) than to see in sitting meditation; I can still see like this too. What is so wonderful about seeing the type of vehicle?”

That monk was unwilling to accept his teaching that this practice is inadequate because many marvels arose in his concentration. He therefore objected in his heart to Phra Ajaan Jiak’s instructions.

“Eh! Why is our teacher like this?” 

Shortly after, he challenged Phra Ajaan Jiak saying, “Than Ajaan, tomorrow there will be a car that will be white in front with another colour on the sides. It’s a car but doesn’t quite look like one.”

The next morning, a car looking like that with unfinished putty paint really sped into the monastery. Many monks then pointed at the car and said, “That’s it, that’s it! Here it comes: this mental agenda is certainly real!”

In the past, Wat Yanasangwararam was in the middle of a field with the occasional car coming only once in a long while, so it was not easy to guess correctly. That monk then said respectfully to Phra Ajaan Jiak again, “Eh…Than Ajaan khrap, the mind going out to know is very miraculous. 

Than Ajaan has never taught it too; this mind of mine went out to know on its own. How could Than Ajaan say that it is not enough to feed on?”

“Hey!... It’s still not enough to feed on. Hey!... 

It’s still not enough to consume the appropriate medicine for the practitioner to go Nibbana. 

(If) you say that your mind is very miraculous due to samadhi, you should try some insight meditation and you will see how much more miraculous it is. 

Samadhi is only a tool to block defilements but wisdom is the tool to destroy the dam of defilements so that it collapses. It will be amazing like open eyes that are unobscured- you can see wherever you walk. There’s no need to sit and enter concentration (to see visions), the eyes are miraculously clear regardless of whether there are many people or few people; one can clearly see regardless of the manner of talking, even when walking and talking like this. Or as I talk to you now offering you to try contemplating by insight. 

Throw away the wretched thing that you are doing now… it’s not good enough to consume... for my Dhamma language! 

A thought arose in the mind of that monk who was interested in meditation: “Why did Than Ajaan talk like that? But alright…Than Ajaan used to stay and attend to Luang Pu Sao and Luang Pu Mun; used to perform duties and practise under the senior monks of insight meditation such as Luang Pu Sao. Or even when staying here at Wat Yanasangwararam, there are many famous meditation masters who often come here to visit him such as Luang Pu Lui Candasaro, Luang Pu Chob Thanasamo, Luangta Maha Boowa Nyanasampanno, Phra Ajaan Wan Uttamo, Phra Ajaan Juan Kulachettho and Phra Ajaan Singthong Dhammavaro, etc. as well as various monks who are meditation teachers of the forest tradition coming here to prostrate him continuously. 

I might not understand the venerable by looking at him with the physical eye, but for the monks who visit often to look for the venerable, they are all very important monks respected by people all over the country. The venerable sirs might be able to connect with each other through the Dhamma inside (which I can’t). Even though Than Ajaan Jiak might not always have pleasing worldly behaviour, but regarding the Dhamma-Vinaya which is the important aspect he is always very strict. Even all his work of every kind is meticulously done and difficult to find his equal.” 

Thinking like this he decided to give in to Phra Ajaan Jiak and heed his Dhamma instructions.


Translated from "Reverend Grandfather Jiak Cundo- The Monk Who is Rag-wrapped Gold"

Any mistakes in translation are the admin's.

Luang Pu Jiak's instructions on body and asubha contemplation:

21 June 2023

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