
Thursday 1 June 2023

Ajahn Anan on Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattava & Pure Land

Ajahn Anan on Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattava & Pure Land

According to Ajahn Anan, Bodhisattavas like Manjushri, Guanyin, Samantabhdra are real, as well as Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. 

Apparently some of the Ajahns who are good in meditation have been able to converse with these high bodhisattvas like Manjushri.   

At Wat Marp Jan (Ajahn Anan's monestary) there is a temple deidcated to Avalokiteshvara.

Ajahn Achalo, who was ordained by Ajahn Anan, has confirmed that Ajahn Anan had said that this pure land does in fact exist and that if one recites the mantra of Amitabha throughout ones life, one's perceptions may very well turn to that realm at the time of death. 

This may come as a surprise to some as some Theravadins don't even consider Mahayana to be the teachings of the Buddha. From a grand cosmic perspective, it's quite possible, considering the unfathomably huge number of universes, galaxies, solar systems out there. 

There's already one real Bodhisatta in training right now for our world system: Metteyya. 

There's no reason to rule out the possibility about the existence of others out there. It's important to understand, Ajahn Anan indicates that at one stage when one practices and develops confidence in the Buddha's teaching, these sort of questions cease.

A disciple once asked Ajahn Anan: 

Q: My mother told me Kuan Yin is my godmother. True compassion is my godmother. I feel faith in Kuan Yin [the Chinese name for Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara].

Luang Por Anan: I am happy for you. It is good to pay homage to Kuan Yin and recall the compassion of Kuan Yin.

Some references: (at 22:00 min Ajahn Anan talks about Guan Yin and other Bodhisattavas) (Ajahn Anan tells us about the great aspiration of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and how the pāramī of the arahants are still here.)

8 June 2023

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