
Saturday 3 September 2022

WE ARE ALL HUMAN ~ by Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda

~ by Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda

All human beings have weaknesses and are therefore prone to make mistake. All human beings have desire, anger and ignorance. These weaknesses prevail in all of us in varying degrees. unless you are perfect or an Arahant, you are no exception. The nature of the human mind shows itself in the following saying:

"Man is not satisfied with his life and never finds the purpose of life even after gaining the whole world".

Let us take a closer look at a man who is envelopped by ignorance. His mind is clouded by disturbances, confusion and darkness. Out of ignorance, man creates misfortunes and he shares this with his fellow men. most of the worry and misery that come to man are due to changing wordly conditions and man's own craving for wordly pleasures which to his selfish mind should continue forever. Disappointment unfulfilled desires which arise from unexpected changes create worry. Therefore you are responsible for your worry.

Nobody is perfect in this world; everybody is liable some time to commit certain mistakes or evil actions. So how can you think that you are free from mistakes or evil? Ignorance is the main cause for nurturing the impulse of craving which in turn generates worry.

"Fear and worry disappear when ignorance is dispelled by knowledge".

If you can understand the weaknesses present in a man's mind in this way, then there should be no reason for you to grumble over your problems. You will have the courage to face them. 

Man's mind is responsible for both his happiness and unhappiness.

"Nothing happens to man that is not contained within man".  

~ C Jung, well known psychologist.

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