
Monday 12 September 2022

“A mind steeped in calmness has strength and will not feel tired.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

18th September, 2022

“A mind steeped in calmness has strength and will not feel tired.”

Question:  As I came out of this meditation, I felt a little tired and mentally drained. Was it my poor health that caused these symptoms of tiredness?

Than Ajaan:  When we do not experience calmness and peace in sitting meditation, we will feel tired after coming out of it. This is because there is a battle between Dhamma and the kilesas (defilement) that leaves us feeling drained. However, if our mind is calm after sitting because Dhamma gained victory, then our tiredness will disappear. A mind steeped in calmness has strength and will not feel tired. 

Sometimes after meditation practice, we may feel sore all over the body because of not having any calmness. Stress and painful feelings arise out of the battle between Dhamma and the kilesas. Whenever Dhamma has more strength, it is because mindfulness has enough strength to stop the volitions of the kilesa and desire. 

When desire stops and accepts defeat, then everything will drop into calmness and become still without any rebellion at all. Thus, not much mental strength is used. Coming out of such meditation, we will not feel sore or fatigued, even if we continue sitting longer. This is not true when we are not calm. It depends on whether the mind is calm or not. If the mind is calm already, then there will not be any feelings of strain, fatigue, or tiredness, and instead we will be greatly rejuvenated. 

On the other hand, if we do not still our minds during meditation, fighting back and forth, enduring stress and pain, we will feel drained after the sitting. This is just like playing tug-of-war. If both sides pull with equal strength and do not relent, then neither side is victorious or defeated. But both sides will be thoroughly worn out. 

If Dhamma is victorious, there will instantly be stillness and lightness. The rope will not be taut if either end is let go. The same goes with the mind. If the kilesas are willing to be defeated, then tension will melt away. Stress and discontentment within the mind will disappear completely. The mind will be cool, comfortable, and light as if it is floating in the clouds. There will be only lightness and comfort. No matter how long we sit, feelings of strain or pain do not arise. This is the result that comes when the mind is calm, without which we would feel tired coming out of meditation because the battle between Dhamma and the kilesas had not reached a resolution.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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