
Monday 26 September 2022

“Vannana is the connector.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

10th October, 2022

“Vannana is the connector.”

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Layperson (M):  In the past, my mind always travelled out of the body. Is there a point when the mind won’t come back to the body?

Tahn Ajahn: Yes, it’s when the body dies, when the body doesn’t function any more. The mind separates from the body. 

Layperson (M): My body is still working during that period. Will the mind come back?

Tahn Ajahn: Actually, the mind doesn’t leave. It’s just sort of pulling itself back inside the mind. 

When you meditate, you pull your viññāṇa inside temporarily.  Viññāṇa is the connector that connects your mind to your body, the connector that connects your mind to your sense organs – to your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. 

You are not unplugging it but you just stop it from receiving information from the body. To the mind, it feels like there is no physical body. And after you come out of your meditation, the viññāṇa reconnects back and receives the information from the body again. 

It will only be permanently disconnected when the body dies. When the body dies, the mind and the body will be completely separated. And then, the mind will go seek for a new body because the mind still has cravings or desires to have the physical body as the means to look for happiness. If it still has cravings for sensual pleasure, cravings for being and cravings for not-being, then you will be directed to go to get a new body. That’s when you get rebirth.  

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Dec 9, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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