
Monday 19 September 2022

Luang Pu Doo Prompanyo

Luang Pu Doo Prompanyo

Don’t think that to make merit, you have to go take rice and bring to the temple to put in the monks’ bowls everyday. Or that you have to go and sponsor Kathina ceremonies and go build Ubosots, Salas and other structures. 

The way that the radio and newspapers “sell merit”, giving out envelopes to raise funds until people feel that it is a burden to donate whenever you go to the temple on a regular basis. 

The Buddha said making merit not only involves giving (dana), but is also about keeping the precepts (sila), chanting and meditation (sati-samadhi). 

Every time you give generously, you are working to counteract the kilesa of greed. Similarly, each time you choose to uphold the precepts and meditate, you are fighting with other defilements of our mind such as ignorance, hatred etc.

Luang Pu Doo Prompanyo

Wat Sakae, Ayutthaya Province

Brother Joo Teck specially brought some candles to offer to Tahn Chao Khun Keng. After accepting them, Tahn Chao Khun told him to bring some incense to him as well.

Then he proceeded to adithanjit and bless both the joss sticks and candles, before returning them to brother Joo Teck, who was shocked and deeply appreciated the kindness of Tahn Chao Khun Keng. 

Wishing Tahn a safe return flight to Melbourne! ☺️🙏

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