
Monday 26 September 2022

Benefits of placing monk photos around

Benefits of placing monk photos around

Traditionally in the past at Wat Sakae, Luang Pu taught that one must calm one’s mind first (samatha) before practising Vipassana (insight) meditation. Holding the amulet in one’s hand, we sit in a proper meditation posture and recite Buddham Saranam Gacchami until the mind becomes one-pointed. 

However, Luang Pu knew that for many people, it is not that easy to enter samadhi and make one’s mind one-pointed. On some days, we might feel that the breath or katha recitation doesn’t work. 

Instead of giving up, Tahn taught that if one is feeling very restless, distracted or just out of sorts, you can use certain techniques to calm the mind such as looking at the Buddha’s photo or imagine a monk in front of you, reciting Buddham Saranam Gacchami together with you. 

These are just skillful means to encourage faith and help one’s mind calm down.

But Luang Ta adopted this technique and used it as the focus of his meditation. As a layman, he had great faith in Luang Pu. He carried a photo of Luang Pu in his pocket everywhere he went. Even in his house, he put Luang Pu’s photo on his walls everywhere. 

Even when he was alone in Muang Na cave, he used the amulet that Luang Pu gave him (I heard from a disciple that it was a big palm sized one) as an object of meditation. 

Eventually, he was able to connect to Luang Pu’s stream of energy, which was useful for Luang Ta to spread merit and energy to spirits around him and help them to cross-over. 

Luang Ta taught that as long as one’s mind is with Luang Pu, you are already gaining merit. 

It is better than thinking about unskillful things all day long.

And for those who have more developed senses, Luang Ta taught that they can perceive that the Bodhisattas’ and Arahants’ photos emit light and positive energy. Put photos of the Phra around a dying Buddhist and they can follow the light after they pass on. 

Except that the aura is a bit different. Photos and amulets of Arahants have a clear, calm, crystal-like energy, whereas the auras of Bodhisattas are more lively and energetic because they are still around in Samsara, and are ever ready to help us. 

Luang Ta mentioned that the photos of Luang Pu are "alive”. This is the same reason why if you ever go to Luang Phor Kuay’s temple in Chainat, you will see a long queue (even on weekdays) where devotees from all over Thailand come to Wat Kositaram to invite a photo of LP Kuay home. 

And to be very honest, LP Kuay’s followers are even more devoted to LP Kuay’s photos than LP Doo’s devotees. You won’t see hordes of people rushing to invite LP Doo’s photos at Wat Sakae, even though they are readily available at the amulet counter 😅

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