
Friday 5 August 2022

“You might not know which stage of jhāna you have achieved, but you will know that you are feeling better because your mind has become calm, more peaceful and happier.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

7 February 2024

“You might not know which stage of jhāna you have achieved, but you will know that you are feeling better because your mind has become calm, more peaceful and happier.”

Question:  How do we know we are in first jhāna, second jhāna, third jhāna, fourth jhāna? 

Than Ajahn:  You don’t need to know which level you are in. You just need to be mindful of your meditation object. When the mind becomes fully absorbed, it enters into fourth jhāna, that’s all you have to know. The other three levels, the first, second and third level of jhāna, are not important. Keep focusing on your meditation object until your mind becomes totally rested, peaceful and calm. 

When you enter into the fourth jhāna, you will have equanimity. So don’t worry about the first, second or third jhāna, it is not important to know.


Question:  Is it possible when we get to jhāna but we don’t know that we enter state of jhāna? 

Than Ajahn:  You might not know which stage of jhāna you have achieved, but you will know that you are feeling better because your mind has become calm, more peaceful and happier. 

You might not know whether it is first jhāna, second jhāna or third jhāna. If you want to know which stage you were in, you have to compare it to the text. 

It is the same way like driving on the road, you may not know which position you are at because there is no sign showing where you are, but if you have a GPS or a map then you can use it to point out where you exactly are, and you know, oh! I am right here at this position or at that position. This is the same as practising meditation where you might not know the stages you are at. If you want to know which stage it is, you might have to go open the text book to find it out. The text will tell you whether you are at first jhāna, second jhāna or third jhāna. 


Question:  Is it possible to attain Sotāpanna without jhāna? 

Than Ajahn:  It is hard to attain Sotāpanna or any level of enlightenment without the support of jhāna because you need jhāna to help your enlightenment, that is why the Buddha taught attaining jhāna before developing insight meditation. First you develop jhāna, and once you have jhāna then next is to develop insight. 

When you have insight then you can become enlightened, become a Sotāpanna or an Arahant.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English

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