
Friday 5 August 2022


1) Pathavīkasiṇa – earth kasiṇa

The color of earth kasiṇa should not be brown, yellow, red, and white which are color kasiṇas. 

These colors are also faults of kasiṇa. It should be the color of the dawn. 

The size of kasiṇa disk should be one span and four fingers across.   

The meditator should sit two and half cubits far from the Kasiṇa disk and see it keeping his eyes moderately opened as if one sees the reflection of his face on the surface of a looking-glass. 

When the earth kasiṇa becomes obvious, the meditator should visualize the earth kasiṇa with his eyes shut and keep focusing on it. The meditator should know the concept earth. 

a) Parikamma-nimitta – the preliminary sign 

The natural kasiṇa object is the preliminary sign. 

b) Uggaha-nimitta – the learning sign 

The fault of kasiṇa such as stick, stone, and scratch is apparent in the learning sign. The meditator, keeping his eyes shut, can see the kasiṇa exactly as he sees the kasina with his eyes opened. 

c) Paṭibhāga-nimitta – the counterpart sign  

The counterpart sign is purified and appears like a looking-glass disk and the moon disk. 


Do not pay attention to the characteristics of earth such as hardness, roughness, heaviness, softness and so on. 

Do not pay attention to general characteristics: impermanent, suffering, and non-self.  

Do not pay attention to the colors. 

2) Āpokasiṇa – water kasiṇa 

The meditator should sit as mentioned in earth kasiṇa and visualize the clean water. The meditator should also guard against the four faults of kasiṇa, the four colors. 

The learning sign has appearance of moving. 

The counterpart sign appears inactive like a crystal fan set in the space and like a looking-glass disk made of crystal.  

3) Tejokasiṇa – fire kasiṇā 

The meditator should visualize the flame of fire. 

The learning sign appears like the fire shrinking down as the flame keeps detaching itself. Any of firebrand, pile of embers, ashes, or smoke can appear in learning sign. 

The counterpart sign appears motionless like a piece of red cloth in space, like a gold fan, or like a gold column. 

4) Vāyokasiṇa – wind kasiṇa 

The wind kasiṇa can be learnt either by sight or by touch. The meditator cannotice the grasses and branches moving to and fro. He may notice the touch of wind in the body. He can establish the mindfulness where the wind strikes the top of grasses, branches of tree, or a part of body.

The learning sign will appear to move like the whirl of hot (steam) on rice gruel just withdrawn from an oven. 

The counterpart sign is quiet and motionless.

5) Nīlakasiṇa – black kasiṇa

The meditator should see any of black flower, black cloth, or black paper with his eye opened. 

And then, he should visualize the black color. 

The learning sign will appear with faults of kasiṇa, the stamens, stalk, the gaps between the petals and so on. 

The counterpart sign will appear like a crystal fan in space. 

6) Pītakasiṇa – yellow kasiṇa

The meditator should apprehend the sign in yellow either in a flower, a piece of cloth, or paper. 

The sign will be same as the black kasiṇa. 

7) Lohitakasiṇa – red kasiṇa

The meditator should apprehend the sign in red either in a flower, a piece of cloth, or paper. 

8) Odātakasiṇa – white kasiṇa 

The meditator should apprehend the sign in white either in a flower, a piece of cloth, or paper.

9) Ālokakasiṇa – light kasiṇa

The meditator should apprehend the sign in light in a hole in a wall, in a keyhole, or in a window opening. 

The learning sign will appear like the circle thrown on the wall or ground. 

The counterpart sign will appear like a compact bright cluster of light. 

10) Ākāsakasiṇa – space kasiṇa 

The meditator should apprehend the sign in light in a hole in a wall, in a keyhole, or in a window opening. 

The learning sign resembles the hole together with the wall and so on. He will fail to expend it. 

The counterpart sign appears as a circle of space.

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