
Monday 15 August 2022

Phra Sotapan (Stream enterers)

Phra Sotapan (Stream enterers)

Do not believe in superstitions

They are not concerned about auspicious days

Whenever the mind is good

That is a good time

Good and evil do not 

Depend on the heavens or earth

It depends on our heart and our actions

Do not push the blame to someone else

If good and evil were to 

Depend on the skies or weather

Then years with good weather and rains 

Monks will all transform into Phra Arahants

But if the skies and rains are not good

Arahants and Sotapans all 

Revert back to ordinary people

Or millionaires all become beggars 

Don’t be superstitious about auspicious timings

When one’s mind is low, one’s meditation is low

When one’s mind is high, then it’ll be high

It depends on one’s citta.

Luang Pu La Khempatto

Wat Banphot Khiri, Mukdahan Province

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